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Dual Master of Business Administration–Master of Health Administration: Curriculum

Curriculum Details

65–72 total credits required

The dual MBA-MHA program is typically completed in 2.5 years of full-time study, though it can be extended to as long as 6 years part-time.

Aspects of MBA coursework focus on business concepts such as the Triple Bottom Line theory, which considers social, fiscal, and environmental impacts on sustainable business development. MHA coursework focuses on the unique considerations of the healthcare industry, such as regulatory, quality, and technology needs.


Core Courses


The student develops a deeper understanding of accounting as the “language of business” and the ways in which it can be employed to help managers perform within their organizations. Emphasis is placed on ways to use, analyze, and interpret accounting data in planning and controlling organizational activities. Selected techniques required for analysis and managerial decision making are introduced.

Principles of policy formation in the modern corporation; the institutions, instruments and customary procedures that influence the determination of corporate policy; and the reasons for choices in seeking solutions to specific financial problems. A case approach will be utilized to cover problems of working capital management, capital budgeting, and capital structure. Computerized approaches to financial problems will be emphasized.

Designed to increase analytical and decision-making skills using finance theories, principles, concepts, and techniques important to health management. This course integrates and applies financial management concepts and techniques relevant to health care settings. Topics include: analysis of cost and budgetary controls, interpretation and utilization of accounting reports and statements, operating accounting measurements, quantitative techniques, analysis of financial statements, financial decision-making models, auditing, capital investments, strategic financial management, working capital management, and budgeting.

Impact of legal factors affecting patient/client care and the operations and administration of healthcare facilities and systems. Examines principles and practices of law, legal relationships, sources of law and legal processes affecting the health services system. Conceptual foundations are drawn from the political sciences.

Examines human resource management functions, processes, and systems within organizations including recruitment, selection, training of personnel, and the legal and regulatory environment affecting HRM operations. Managing and developing human resources within and between systems/organizations is also studied. Organizational performance and creativity are examined.

Designed to examine basic statistical techniques which are utilized in analyzing health care data. Topics include probability, sampling, use of central tendency measures, reliability and validity, graphics, data display, frequency distribution, regression analysis, ANOVA, and technical report writing.

This required graduate course studies theoretical foundations of economics and public policy and applies them to the healthcare sector. The course examines provider behavior, production, costs, supply, market structure, competition, access, demand, insurance, expenditures, utilization, healthcare reform, and the healthcare-public-policy making process including policy formulation, implementation, and modification.

Micro and macro organizational behavior theories provide the theoretical foundation for this course. The processes of communication, value analysis, problem solving, and decision making are explored at an individual, team, and organizational level. The imperative for healthcare leaders to understand and manage change will be emphasized. Various models of leadership will be critically analyzed. Conceptual foundations are drawn from the social sciences, psychology, and related disciplines.

This required graduate course is the capstone course. Students apply and integrate knowledge, theories, principles, methods, skills, competencies, values, and viewpoints developed throughout the curriculum to resolve health administration case studies and to complete an applied health administration project.

This required graduate course studies managerial epidemiology, access to care, health services, health providers, workforce, technology, financing, insurance, health policy, health planning, quality, and the evolution and structure of the U.S. health care system. Conceptual foundations come from systems theory, epidemiology, sociology, political science, and economics.

Exposure to complex problems and case studies with a focus on healthcare providers. This course develops skills in analysis, synthesis and evaluation of advanced financial management theories, principles, concepts and techniques. Topics include: quantitative analysis in financial management, premium rate setting, cost and utilization rates, advanced managerial accounting concepts, variance analysis, HMO rate setting, private and public healthcare reimbursement systems under managed care, financial aspects of integration, and managing resources.

This course utilizes a systematic approach to study health care information technology management. Topics include terminology, organization, strategy, planning techniques, systems selection, contract negotiation, project management, medical informatics, technology trends, and issues for health care.

The course will introduce the student to the presence of basic ethical concerns in the practice, distribution, and administration of healthcare. Current knowledge, scholarship, and the practical nature of the subject are examined through consideration of ethical theories, current professional readings, and a variety of cases.

This course revolves around one of the most significant and controversial concepts of the 21st century. Sustainable Development (SD) involves ethical, environmental and economic issues. The course will analyze and reflect on the relationship between SD, business and all affected stakeholders through case studies, reading, discussions, and guest lecturers.

A primary goal of an organization is the improved performance of individuals and work groups within the organization. Organizational behavior is the field of study that investigates and explains those concepts or theories which are vital in current management practices dealing with job performance.

This course introduces the student to methodologies for examining strategic policy issues of organizations, primarily business organizations. In providing the student with opportunities to devise policy solutions, the course draws on all of the functional areas in the MBA curriculum. The course provides a capstone experience in which students will develop, present, and defend their own policy solutions for a real company.

View Course Abstract

Analysis of the conceptual and tactical mechanisms of marketing management with emphasis on how today’s firms and institutions mobilize their resources to achieve market penetration, sales volume, and satisfactory profits. Marketing planning with control and implementation of strategies as major aspects of decision making. Also, exploring market opportunities and formulation of marketing policies (marketing mix) exemplified through case studies.

This course is designed to emphasize the strategic importance of operations management to the overall performance of the enterprise. Topics include: product and process planning and design, forecasting, facility location and layout, production staffing, job design and work measurement, capacity planning, aggregate planning, inventory management, requirements planning, operations scheduling, Just-in-time, and quality assurance.

Quality Management provides the means for the organization to define its culture and to support the constant attainment of customer satisfaction through an integrated system of tools, techniques, and training. Topic coverage focuses on applying various continuous improvement techniques such as statistical process charts and assessment frameworks (e.g., Deming’s philosophy, Baldrige Criteria, ISO 9000) in order to achieve world class quality.

MHA Elective Courses


Operating and administrative issues and problems in health and hospital systems with emphasis given to hospital operation, organization, and administration. The future role of acute care is examined in the context of integrated delivery models and systems.

Examines factors influencing physician practices and the quality of physician services. Topics include operating and administrative issues, compensation, staffing, billing, collections, reimbursement mechanisms, and governance. The course also examines PHOs, HMOs, SDOs, MSOs, and other integrated delivery networks, organizations, and systems affecting physicians.

Operation and administration of long term care facilities. Differences between acute and long term levels of care, types of long-term care facilities, and special concerns of the long-term-care resident. Emerging models of care are discussed in addition to traditional management functions in the industry.

This course provides an introduction to global healthcare services and systems. Provides a foundation for comparing and analyzing cultural, historical, geographic, environmental, economic and political factors that influence health. Examines determinants of health and illness, health status, public health, health policy and global healthcare management.

A health administration elective course focusing on the development, integration and application of knowledge, reviewing request for proposal requirements, work plans and evaluation plans, concepts in formatting, grant writing principles, methods, techniques, competencies, and developing a rationale needs statement, draft proposal, budget, and final proposal to secure a competitive grant.

International Requirement (must take at least one course from this list)


Accounting for international business; accounting control for the multinational enterprise, global accounting theory and practice, social accounting concepts, tax aspects of foreign transactions, and international financial reporting to investors. This course is not open to those students who have received credit for ACC 475 or its equivalent.

It is a comprehensive study of macroeconomics designed to examine how macroeconomic events and policies, both national and global can shape the strategic decisions in a business organization. Emphasis is on the analysis of macroeconomic data and understanding their importance in the managerial decision making process.

A detailed survey of the financial decision process in multinational corporations. Topics include the international finance environment, foreign exchange markets, measuring and managing foreign exchange risks, financing the global firm, foreign investment decisions, managing multinational operations, and other advanced issues in multinational finance.

This course provides an introduction to global healthcare services and systems. Provides a foundation for comparing and analyzing cultural, historical, geographic, environmental, economic and political factors that influence health. Examines determinants of health and illness, health status, public health, health policy and global healthcare management.

This course provides an integrated approach to the international environment of the corporation. It offers an overview of the patterns and theories of international business transactions including trade and foreign direct investment; determination of foreign exchange rates; international corporate strategies; and the effects of government policies on the global business.

A basic graduate course in international management, this course focuses on the set of strategy decisions facing the multinational corporation. It will also focus on the external and internal variables that influence the choice and outcome of strategies. The specific strategies covered are entry/ownership, sourcing, control, marketing, financial, human resources, and public affairs. Other topics include the division of labor and resource allocation on a worldwide basis, cultural issues, and issues of nationalism.

This course examines the role of information systems and telecommunication technologies in managing international organizations. Topics include: impact of information technology at the functional level of multinational corporations; types of international information systems; organizing and managing international information systems; changes in telecommunication regulations; international standard setting organizations; building strategic alliances through information technology; and emerging information technology applications to understand and resolve issues raised by international trade and business. Students will discuss major cases that involve global information systems applications to multinational corporations.

A study of the managerial problems in international marketing, covering factors affecting international markets in different cultural areas of the world.

This course offers an opportunity to travel and learn about marketing issues in parts of Asia. Topics include B2B and B3C marketing protocols, cultural basics and complexities that affect business and relationships in these countries, joint venturing and sourcing, and some basics about the legal systems of these countries.

This course focuses on the design, operation, and control of supply chains in the global context. Topics include: supply chain strategy, risk pooling and inventory placement, distribution systems, network design and transportation, strategies for managing product variety, supply chain coordination, revenue management, and decision support systems for supply chain operations. Issues specific to global sourcing, and risk management in international supply chains will be explored.

Health Administration Fieldwork Courses


A 150 hour fieldwork placement in a staff or administrative position which is usually completed during a regular academic session. A semester project and preceptor designation is required.

**Online program only

A 1,000 hour fieldwork experience in a senior management position. Normally involves exposure to all major operating functions and contacts with department heads, administrative staff, and medical staff. Includes exposure to governing-board functions, governmental forces, and community influences. The resident is assigned projects of increasing complexity and importance and is expected to have an assigned preceptor. A major project is required. The residency is usually completed during two semesters.

*Residential program only

Allows the student to pursue an area of interest under the guidance of a faculty member. Approval by the Program Director is required.

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